Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Release of a new product "HAN"

The beautiful packaging of the Ebiken Han in 40g
We are proud to announce the release another product to the Ebiken line of quality shrimp products, Ebiken Han. Han(繁) in Japanese means many/ in great numbers. This product contains many beneficial bacteria in dormant form along with a special mix of Fungi specifically for shrimp. This product is intended to be used in conjunction with Ei (栄). Both these products combined, "Han Ei" (繁栄) in Japanese means flourish. This product together is one of, if not the best combination of products for the highest possible survival and growth rate of shrimps (specifically tested with Crystal shrimp). When Han is used, you will see that the shrimps will all gather and continually pick at it and devour it until all is gone. They help with the digestive systems of the shrimps along with increasing its immune system.

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